SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - SmartObject Details

SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - SmartObject Details

The SmartObject Details screen allows the user to add a name for the new Reference and select the SmartObject Method used in the referencing process.

Fig. 1. SmartObject Method Reference Wizard - SmartObject Details screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Name Set the name of the new Reference Type the name of the new reference in the Name box
SmartObject Method Set a SmartObject Method to be used in the new Reference Select the ellipsis icon to display the Context Browser. Browse to Environment > SmartObject Server(s) and select the required SmartObject Method
Description Set a description of the Reference Type a description of the association

To select the required SmartObject Method:

  • The SmartObject Method can be dragged and dropped in the SmartObject Method box on the wizard, or
  • Click on the required SmartObject Method in the Context Browser. The SmartObject will be highlighted, click Add.



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